10 ways to make September memorable

Spring has arrived making it a perfect time to get outside and enjoy the milder weather …
  1. go for a walk and try to spot the signs of spring.  Can you find new shoots on the trees, buds or flowers?  What are the animals doing?
  2. to celebrate the arrival of warmer weather have a Teddy Bear’s Picnic.  Don’t forget the honey!
  3. start a rock collection.  Sort the rocks by colour, size or shape (smooth or rough) or do some research and sort them into sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks.  Or find out the geologic names for the rock types in your collection.  Perhaps you could use some of your collection to make some rock sculptures.
  4. make pinwheels to celebrate the International Day of Peace on September 21
  5. grow a grass head monster
  6. “Ahoy there, me hearties” have a treasure hunt and talk like a pirate on September 19 to raise funds for Childhood Cancer Support Inc.  For ideas for other games and to brush up on your pirate lingo visit the website.  Don’t forget to donate some treasure.
  7. visit the zoo
  8. share your favourite Roald Dahl book with your children, since Roald Dahl Day is September 13. IMG_2393
  9. have a competition to see who can blow the biggest bubbles.  Who can pop the most bubbles?
  10. go bike riding
What do you like to do to welcome spring?


Debi said…
What lovely ideas to welcome in the new season! I especially like the idea of a teddy bear picnic. Sounds fun!
What a great list. I am looking forward to celebrating the longer days of sunshine and hoping to grow some sunflowers this year. Wish us luck!