a handful of board games for preschoolers

These are the favourite board games at my house at the moment …
  • Connect 4 with a bit of “are you sure?” from mum or dad when necessary.  This is also a favourite posting game for my toddler.
  • Hullabaloo a fun, active game.  A speaker gives instructions and you run around looking for game pads of the right colour or shape to stand on, dance on, put your nose on or whatever you are asked to do.  I find this a great game for practising graceful winning and losing.  The winner does a little dance or takes a bow (which fits in with the mood of the game) and then onto the next round.  There is no time to be upset that your weren’t the winner.
  • roll the dice and move around games like Snakes and Ladders or Trouble.  Terrific for practising counting.
  • Hungry Hungry Hippos I can’t see any educational value in this game it is just fun and gets you laughing – it is a wonderful mood-changer when the going gets rough.
  • Dominoes I like this one because we can play co-operatively and try to use all the dominoes.
We love board games, so it would be great to have some recommendations.  What are your favourite board games for preschoolers?


amandab said…
For Christmas Princess was bought Candyland. It is a good game for pre-schoolers because instead of dice each player picks up cards that tells them to move to a certain colour square, or the second colour square. There are special picture cards which they can move to also, sometimes forwards, sometimes backwards. It is easier for them to work out for themselves how to move through the board.

We played it yesterday with my 7 yo nephew, and the day before that with my sister, and they both enjoyed it too.
favourites at our place with our (just) 5 yo are Charlie and Lola Pink Milk Game (very simple roll dice move spaces, collect pink milk cards, when you have 3 you can proceed to the inside path to the biscuits at the end of the spaces, looking out for landing on tigers on the way as they like pink milk and you have to give a card away. Markers are characters from the show (Charlie Lola Lotta and Marv)

Also the Hungry Caterpillar Game

Clouds and Rainbows (Snakes and Ladders really but a cutesy care bears version)



Not a board game but more interactive I dont know the name of it Animal Scramble maybe, It is a plastic giraffe that is hollow and 4 other animals(tiger, elephant, parrot, monkey) figurines and you choose what game to play (buttons on the giraffe). One is hiding them around the room and giraffe prompts you which one to find and then you "tag" them when found by placing giraffe over top of. Get a time and you can try and beat your PB, another one is lining them up and it gives you clues such as "which animal starts with P", "which animal makes this sound" and you tag - again timed and can play with 2 ppl. Great fun (batteries required and can get kinda noisy also we have had to glue the figurines to the base several times but not bad for about $20-30 )


Silly Sentences

Monster Snap
Fish (Charlie and Lola go fish)

Also play the Mouse Dice game a lot ie roll a 6 to draw the body of the mouse, cant start making the mouse until you get a six. One for nose, 2 for eyes, 3 for ears, 4 for whiskers, 5 for tail.

Have fun!

PS Our just 3 yo (boy) not into these as yet. So not truly PRESCHOOL I guess. Some 3 yo may be able/keen but he's into more active things like marble runs and buildign towers with blocks, trains etc so will give him a while

We enjoy the board games by Lucy Hammett Bingo Games!

Tina said…
My 5yo loves games too. His current favourite is Monopoly Junior, which is great for his maths skills. Card games are also great - Go Fish, Snap, Memory, Slamwich are popular. He also loves Guess Who, which is great for his vocab and question-asking, and his ability to look at the attention to detail in the pictures!!
Thanks for sharing your game ideas!
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