We play – at the agricultural show

On the weekend, we visited our local agricultural show.  It is becoming a bit of a tradition for our family to attend.  We go to see the farm animals, woodchopping, check out the tractors and other farm machinery and stay for the concert and fireworks.  It is a great playful, hands-on learning experience.  I’m not sure if we will continue to go as the children get older and want more rides, showbags and junky food, but we will wait and see.
This year there was a petting zoo.  B was not interested in patting the animals, but Grandma took J in.  Here they are ready to go …
And here comes the baby rabbit …
Do you see that worried look on J’s face.  When the rabbit was put on his lap he jumped about 10 cm out of his chair and screamed! 
But later he decided it would be alright to pat the kid …
And this year, the boys both loved watching the Moto-X bikes (does this spell bad news for the future?) …Moto-X

What have your children been playing with lately?  Why don’t you come over and play with Childhood 101’s We Play linkup.

We Play


Debi said…
We had our own fun on the farm recently, too, though both my kiddos loved all the animals. This past weekend we enjoyed walking with butterflies at a local exhibit. And plenty of bug fun is happening daily in the backyard!
Anonymous said…
My daughter had a similar reaction to a petting zoo at our local shopping centre. She took quite a while to warm up, but of course after a while she didn't want to go home.
Mel said…
We got to the county fair each summer, which looks like a similar thing. The first year a horse whinnied right in our (then) 7 month-old's ear. He was terrified. At 3, he is loving riding horses, so I guess he got over it.
I can't wait for show season, which usually begins here about October. I love that first photo and your description of what happened once the rabbit actually arrived LOL
Melissa said…
My 8 year old is already asking when the Melbourne show is & whether we can go. They are so much fun for kids of all ages :)