10 ways to make January memorable

  1. honour the New Year by reviewing last year and setting some goals. Record some of your child’s favourite things to do, books, movies, friends and so on from last year.  Talk about what they’d like to do in the coming year and write down some goals.
  2. go fruit picking 
  3. launch a rocket.  Try a balloon rocket, bubble-powered rocket or make an air rocket.
  4. On January 18, 1882, A.A. Milne (the creator of Winnie the Pooh was born).  Celebrate A.A. Milne’s birthday by reading some of A.A. Milne’s stories, playing Pooh-sticks, or holding a Pooh party.  
  5. play hide and seek
  6. try and solve some of these maths puzzles as a family
  7. play some silly sports – frisbee baseball, golf with a soccer ball,  basketball with a tennis ball or whatever else your family can come up with.
  8. have a water balloon fight
  9. decorate a t-shirt to wear while you are enjoying January.  Use bleach, fabric paint, glitter or stick on gems and appliques.
  10. go to the beach and build a sandcastle

If you are looking for a project to ring in the New Year, you might want to look at lanterns and glowsticks from last year.
