10 ways to make June memorable

  1. go ice skating or roller skating
  2. learn to fingerknit
  3. have a bonfire to celebrate winter solstice on 21 June.
  4. read or watch The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis, and imagine what it would be like to live in endless winter.
  5. create an indoor obstacle course
  6. bake and decorate some gingerbread men.
  7. take advantage of the cold and make ice ornaments to decorate your outdoor space.
  8. spend an afternoon making homemade cards to send to family and friends.  You can save them to send on special occasions or just make a batch to send right now. IMG_2596
  9. wear your red nose on 24 June to support SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) research
  10. when you are stuck inside and running out of ideas, impress you kids with this balancing trick


Off to check out the ice ornament idea, sounds fascinating!