in june
Well, mostly everyone was sick, but here is some of the more interesting stuff …
hitting baseballs. We got a stand to hit off from our local toy library and B has been whacking them out into our yard (but he still calls it ‘that funny cricket’).
dress-ups, above you can see B dressed as a robot and J as a pirate. B made the robot costume at his Kindy from a cereal box.
drawing on sandpaper
doing puzzles
hitting baseballs. We got a stand to hit off from our local toy library and B has been whacking them out into our yard (but he still calls it ‘that funny cricket’).
dress-ups, above you can see B dressed as a robot and J as a pirate. B made the robot costume at his Kindy from a cereal box.
drawing on sandpaper
doing puzzles
Cool site, btw!
For drawing on sandpaper we just used crayons on sandpaper. It feels different to drawing on paper and I wanted to add a new element to keep my son drawing for a while whilst I was busy with his brother. As it turned out, my son really liked it and completely coloured large areas of the sandpaper (something he doesn't do with normal paper). He was also very interested in how they make sandpaper and whether they use sand from the beach!