what science looks like at our house
Some day-to-day events …
cooking together (you can see my posts about breadmaking or ice-cream in a bag), but there is also baking and everyday cooking
taking a bath with bubbles, containers for pouring and a water wheel
gardening (with dad or grandma) – potting, watering, mulching, raking and more
taking a walk or a drive and pointing out interesting things that we see
collecting and examining seeds
looking for birds and frogs
blowing bubbles
playing with a spinning top
building with blocks or our tool set
mixing together watercolour paints to see what colour is made
and some ways that I help my son follow up his interests, (lately that is in earth science – rocks, volcanoes and dinosaurs) …
reading books on rocks, volcanoes and dinosaurs
making a bicarb soda and vinegar volcano
watching volcanoes erupting on YouTube
collecting, sorting and identifying rocks
What sort of scientific skills are developing here?
- observing and describing
- collecting information
- learning scientific terminology
- sorting and classifying
- questioning, and imagining solutions
This is not rigorous scientific proof, but these activities are the first foundation of scientific knowledge and without the young child’s curiosity and questioning no-one would ever become a scientist.
What do I do if I don’t know the answers to my son’s questions?
With his help, I find out. We might be able to find out be observing more closely, conducting a simple experiment or by researching the information. What is important to me is that my son knows how to learn what he wants to know.