a handful of christmas card ideas
I think it is going to be hard to limit myself to a handful, but here are some ideas for making Christmas cards with your children …
- Cut pictures from old cards, wrapping paper or Christmas-themed magazines and make a collage. You could use a paper punch (for example a circle) for cutting out to tie the look together.
- Cut up your potatoes to make Christmas stamps. The easy way to create the Christmas picture on the potato, push in a cookie cutter and cut around the outside.
- Kids Craft Weekly has got not 1 but 2 fabulous newsletters with ideas for making cards – simple cards and fancy cards
- send an ecard from JibJab. These are a lot of fun, you can create cards or movies. [WARNING: not all the cards available on this site are child-friendly, you will want to supervise your children]. You can see my card here.
- and if all that is not enough The Cartoon Blog, by Dave Walker has one million ideas – 10 ideas for materials, 10 ideas for tools to use, 10 subject ideas, 10 colours to use, 10 ideas for sizes and shapes, and 10 ideas for messages.