a handful of websites about children’s books and reading

Here are a handful of sites I enjoy that focus on children’s books and reading …
  1. Literacy, families and learning focuses on literacy and how children learn.  Great book recommendations and ideas of how to build on your child’s interests to encourage reading.  Some recent posts I’ve enjoyed include ideas for Making Books come Alive by visiting the places where the books are set and Getting boys into reading through non-fiction 
  2. The Book Chook writes book reviews, reviews of online literacy resources and tips for parents on encouraging literacy.  She puts together a digital magazine, Literacy Lava with great ideas from her and other bloggers for encouraging literacy in your family.
  3. Teach Mama has simple tools and resources to make parenting easier and to help you encourage literacy and other learning without your children even knowing.  Some posts I’ve really enjoyed lately are recipe reading (and cookie-eating) and post-it, Cora (a quick game that helps your child in learning to write their name)
  4. Reading Rockets is a US website about teaching kids to read.  This is where I’d go if I had a specific question about my child and reading (for example, if I wanted to know developmental milestones).  They also have some handy booklists.
  5. The Little Big Book Club (an Australian site) has a monthly book recommendation for different ages (for children up to 5) and activities for each book.  There are also suggested reading lists for different ages.  
What sites have I missed?  Do you have a favourite site for book recommendations?  Does anyone know a site with lists or reviews for non-fiction books? 


BookChook said…
Cat, re lists and reviews of non-fiction, have you tried the publishers own sites? I know the reviews are probably more likely to be biased, but so many of the Aussie publishers have excellent support material online. Allen and Unwin's site also has great teacher notes you can freely access. US Sylvan Dell publisher site is great too.

Sally Murphy's Aussue Reviews site has a nonfiction section http://www.aussiereviews.com/page1006.html
Melitsa said…
Playing by the book
Catherine said…
Thanks for your suggestions everyone. Turns out there are lots more great sites about children's books for me to find - yay!
Hi Catherine,

Lovely to see you stop by Playing by the book :-) Hope we'll see you again soon! Thanks for your book suggestions.

If you want to lose yourself for a few hours you could take a look at:


- this is a place where many bloggers interested in kids books congregate, and if you click on Members you'll be able to get to LONG list of all sorts of people doing all sorts of kids books related stuff.

Many of those that I really like I've listed separately at:


Off to explore your blog now!
katepickle said…
Thanks so much for this list... I have 6 year old pre-readers (desperate to start school so they can learn to read) who are just getting in to chapter books (being read to them) which is an area I am not that familiar with, so this is really helpful! Off to check out some book recommendations!
SquiggleMum said…
A great list (I'm already subscribed to most of them!) Thanks to the other commenters for their suggestions too. Going to check a couple out now! Cath.
PlanningQueen said…
As well as the ones listed I have also subscribed to the kids newsletter at http://www.readings.com.au/kids . Readings is an independent book store chain in Melbourne and along with recommendations for different ages, they often have great free activities for kids.
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