play outdoors and garden dreaming

I’ve started reading let the children play recently.  She writes often about play outdoors and nature-inspired playgrounds.  This post about ways to improve your outdoor space and this post about outdoor playspace dreaming have me thinking about how we play outdoors and dreaming about additions to our outdoor space.  
Our outdoor space (I call it that because we have 5 acres, so it is a bit more than just garden)
we have a fort with swings and a slide …
the trampoline …
a small sandpit …
a bushwalk … (the path goes around through the natural bush at the back of our block and comes out behind the fort)   
There are plenty of natural elements, like logs for balancing or sitting on.  Lots of lawn for running and throwing or hitting balls. 
Some of my dreams (you know, slowly or when we win the lottery).  I should say I don’t dream about planting, this is more my husband’s area.
To turn the area under the fort into a big sandpit and put a water feature nearby so the kids can easily get water to make mud play.  I’d probably go for one of those ones where water trickles from one pot to another.  Perhaps more realistically for right now I can scavenge some guttering or pipes for water transport play.  
And I want to put a pulley with a bucket on the fort, because my 2 are always taking things up there to put down the slide.
Another thing that we can probably do this year is create a little pot garden.  I will let B choose the plants (small plants) and B can plant them.  Then, if we add some bits and pieces (I think dinosaurs would be a hit with my sons) he can use it in a little worlds style of play (idea here from Teacher Tom, let the children play and Childhood 101).
And I don’t know what, where or how yet but it would be nice to have some art and sound elements (windchimes in the trees maybe) in the garden.  And a birdbath.
And I feel lucky, of course, to have the space for all these dreams.
What are your garden dreams for 2010? 


jenny said…
Thanks for the mention :) I mentioned you in my blog last night too! How's that for a coincidence. I look forward to seeing how your garden develops. I love the idea of a pulley - my boys would have loved one of those when they were younger. I'm trying to think of how to do this at preschool. One day.....
Unknown said…
What a great area for your kids! They will have so many wonderful memories from playing outdoors. I love the idea of wind chimes and bird feeders. My garden dreams are to grow some green thumbs.....I want to make a vegie garden for the kids to nurture.
Debi said…
Wow! Now that you've shared pictures of your backyard, I am beyond jealous! What a dreamy place for kids to explore! In our much humbler backyard, I'm hoping to start a vegetable garden, add a hummingbird feeder and build a fort. I like the wind chimes idea, too.
Busy Brissy Mum said…
So many great ideas you have and plan to use. The pulley is a wonderful thing. My nephews have one and they LOVE to use it so much. I'm going to hunt down that book I think. Sounds good!
Adventuroo said…
Wow-- I'm officially jealous of your awesome yard! We moved into our current house in November 2008 and still haven't done much with the yard.

This year my goals are to get a play area for the kids, plant some flowers AND some herbs. I'm tired of buying cilantro and only using about a quarter of it!
Kristine said…
your garden looks magnificient - room to run,room to imagine, room to relax....
I love how the fort is kind of hidden near the folliage - kids need some secret areas.
I also like the idea of giving them access to water for the sand play.
Mel said…
I love that you have so much space! My kids have to make do with a sandbox and a garden. But, we get out into the woods and onto the river a lot. I've loved reading your posts about outdoor playspaces--very inspiring.
What a fantastic outdoor play space. We have moved into a new home with a blank slate of a backyard so I read your ideas with interest. Thank you so much for sharing your space.
what fab ideas and what a treasure you have in your backyard.

I'd love to built a fort & pulley system & flying fox when my 3yr olds are a little older...
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