postcard swap

A while ago I wrote about collecting postcards.  Since then we have exchanged postcards with family and friends.  Here are a few of the postcards we’ve added to our collection …
EscherCard castlecard   
the smallest castle in the world (another from my dad in the UK)
(from Debi and her son of go explore nature)
My son is now very interested in sending and receiving mail.  And postcard swapping (and letter writing) has been a great meaningful way to play with his newfound interest in reading and writing.  The postcards have also opened up many discussions about art, animals, travel and different cultures.
Another blogger who has been postcard swapping is Amanda of HomeAge, who has been receiving some wonderful postcards through PostCrossing – see her postcards from among other places China, the US, Canada, New Zealand and Croatia here.

Now that you have seen the fascinating and beautiful postcards that you could receive you will be keen to join the international family postcard swap hosted by Zoe of Playing by the Book.  You can read about how to participate here along with a review of a lovely sounding book about sending a hug through the mail.  You need to sign up by Friday April 30


amandab said…
Thanks for the linky love! :D

I love that first postcard! E ven though I am hoping to use the postcads as learning tools about the world, I love to receive unusual and different cards.

And now I am going to check that other link! Family swaps sound great as my other hope was to encourage the love of letter writing in this house and swapping with others who have kids just might help. At 3.5 Princess may be a bit young, but now is aalways a good time to start anything.
Debi said…
We really enjoyed swapping post cards with you. It was such a great way to learn about new places & improve reading skills at the same time. Thanks for sharing such a great idea with your readers.
Anonymous said…
I love this idea - I want to visit that castle!!
Unknown said…
Love the postcard idea- so much fun getting them in the mail! xo m.