a handful of posts to help make your camping trip with children a success
We are heading out camping this weekend. We will have to pack our sense of humour and not expect to get any sleep. Here are some things I have been reading as I plan our trip …
- from Simple Mom, 8 Tips for Stress-Free Camping. This is our approach, at least while our children are young, a short trip close to home.
- from Camping Blogger, some ideas for keeping the kids busy. We will be taking the boat and doing some fishing, as well as that we find that collecting firewood, frisbee and the kite are great for entertaining children.
- Australia Family Style has 10 tips for successful camping with kids with some great ideas to keep everyone happy.
- Adventuroo has a handy family camping checklist to help you pack.
- and Camping and Family lists 8 things to take camping that you probably never thought of. My experience has taught me that garbage bags and glow sticks will be very handy and I’ll be testing out some of the other items listed on this trip. I would have to add head torches for everyone to the list of must-take items.
Have you been camping with your children? What is your top tip for camping with children?
* if we're going to arrive late we're better off hiring accomodation for the first night and setting up camp when we're all fresh the next day
* investing 10 minutes of attention to playing with the kids earns us 10 minutes of setting up camp time when they'll play unaided
* it's a good time to bring out food or a new (or not seen for a while) toy - a mangnifying glass or bug catcher work well. As they get older a nature treasure hunt list works well
Otherwise camping seems to work for us - the kids love the novelty of it and all the 'treats' of being on holiday - spotlighting at night, camp dinners, playing with other kids in the campsite and a relaxed family.
So far we've only used caravan parks we're hoping to get a little more adventerous when the weather warms up.
Have a wonderful holiday.
Hope you have a fab time Catherine! Thanks for including me in your list of links.
PS. Thanks for visiting my blog!