travel with children

I am very excited.  I am now a monthly contributor on Simple Kids.  My first post was published today – The Art of Travel with Young Children.
“The first time I took a big trip with my son, then two years old, I was looking forward to a break from the mundane, a chance to have some time to myself and the opportunity to have a few new adventures.  After all, that is what holidays had been about before I had children.  But that expectation nearly spoiled my holiday.”
Visit Simple Kids to see the rest of the story.


Unknown said…
Congratulations on the writing gig! That's very exciting for you!
Debi said…
Congrats to you! Great post, too!
PlanningQueen said…
Congratulations! You will be a wonderful addition to the Simple Kids team!
Melitsa said…
Congratulations on the writing post!
Love the post!
Rossane said…
Great story. I am also looking forward for the time where I got to travel with my baby. Maybe 3-4 years from now we will have it experienced by my new born.
Briana said…
I can't imagine myself traveling with kids. Whenever I travel, I always see people together with young kids and it’s a total disaster. Climb up here and there and run everywhere. I can't handle that for sure.