We’ve been watching the changing seasons using the Gundjeihmi Aboriginal seasonal calendar and the book Walking With the Seasons in Kakadu, by Diane Lucas, as our guides. You can see a diagram of the Aboriginal seasonal calendar here. We are currently in the season of Yegge …
the weather has become cooler, with gorgeous, clear, sunny days.

lots of fires, both burning off and natural fires(not purposeful burns anyway) causing smoky skies. You can see kites circling at the edges of the fire waiting to catch insects and other creatures escaping the flames. They burn off a lot up here. With the tall dry spear grass (often tall enough to hide an adult) fires spread very quickly if you don’t. You can read more about fire and the Top End environment in this factsheet.
water lilies cover the floodplains and billabongs

wattle flowers blossom.
woolly butt trees, andjalen, begin to flower. I love their bright orange flowers, although at the moment the flowers are only high in the trees.
red-tailed black cockatoos, garnamarr, “feast on the seeds that have fallen from spear grass”
I have now written about all 6 seasons in the Gundjeihmi calendar. Here are the links to the other seasons …
This is the dry season, when the wind blows the fires across the land, cleaning away the old grass and fallen branches.We have noticed …
the weather has become cooler, with gorgeous, clear, sunny days.
lots of fires, both burning off and natural fires(not purposeful burns anyway) causing smoky skies. You can see kites circling at the edges of the fire waiting to catch insects and other creatures escaping the flames. They burn off a lot up here. With the tall dry spear grass (often tall enough to hide an adult) fires spread very quickly if you don’t. You can read more about fire and the Top End environment in this factsheet.
water lilies cover the floodplains and billabongs
wattle flowers blossom.
woolly butt trees, andjalen, begin to flower. I love their bright orange flowers, although at the moment the flowers are only high in the trees.
red-tailed black cockatoos, garnamarr, “feast on the seeds that have fallen from spear grass”
I have now written about all 6 seasons in the Gundjeihmi calendar. Here are the links to the other seasons …