a handful of breakfast ideas for children
I’ve been enthusiastically/obsessively reading this blog lately – It’s Not About Nutrition. I love her ideas of
I’ve been trialling some of the ideas around our house and one area where we could definitely use more variety is breakfast – we have toast or Weetbix just about every morning. So, here are some simple breakfast ideas that I think my children will eat.
- ensuring variety in your child’s (and your) diet by eating different foods each day (don’t eat the same thing two days in a row), and
- organising foods into Growing Foods, Fun Foods and Treat Foods and trying to eat mostly Growing Foods.
I’ve been trialling some of the ideas around our house and one area where we could definitely use more variety is breakfast – we have toast or Weetbix just about every morning. So, here are some simple breakfast ideas that I think my children will eat.
- instead of toast & spread we could have toast with ham and cheese or toast with baked beans or make french toast.
- make smoothies
- eggs – scrambled eggs, toad in the hole or an omelette would probably be the favourite choices
- I’m keen to try this cheese roll I saw at Juggling Motherhood
- yoghurt – there are 101 ways to flavour plain yoghurt at Fix Me a Snack and It’s Not About Nutrition shows you how to use them to increase variety in your child’s diet. That works for me because my two already like to eat yoghurt.
Princess prefers a Smoothie for breakfast as she loves milk, yoghurt and berries, plus she has the fun of making it for herself :)
Great ideas here...our brekky treats are Sunday bacon (sans eggs for twins) and pancakes sometimes.
Toast and pancakes with fruit are other breakfast favs.