10 ways to make October memorable
I apologise for my disappearance from this blog. We have had an internet disconnection problem. But it all seems to be working again now, and will fingers crossed continue to do so.
- celebrate Halloween by telling spooky stories
- plan a meal to cook with your children and go to the fruit and vegetable market to buy what you need
- build a fairy house.
- find an outdoor venue for live music, pack a picnic and go enjoy the music
- get out the map and find a new-to-you playground to visit
- play Frisbee
- get out the dress-ups and have a parade
- grab you magnifying glass and have a bug hunt around your garden or a local park
- pick some Spring flowers and press them. When they are dry turn them into a bookmark or window collage.
- make or get some potpourri and teach your child to sew a scent pillow (easy if you use felt)