the kid’s 5 favourite iPhone apps
I love having the iPhone available for a few minutes distraction when you have to wait – especially at the doctor or elsewhere that you don’t want the kids thinking about what’s coming up. Here are my kids 5 favourite games …
- Shanghai Lite Mahjong This is a solitaire Mahjong. You match up pairs of tiles to get them to disappear. The aim is to remove all the tiles on the board.
- DoodleBuddy A great drawing game with lots of features, like different brushes and stamps.
- Tetris An oldey but a goody.
- TicTacFree – Noughts and Crosses. Very handy, since I usually have my phone, but often can’t find a pen.
- Tozzle - A phone version of knob puzzles.
I was wondering about some fun / educational apps.