Lego building challenges
As I mentioned in Christmas Lego, I’ve been trying to encourage B to build his own creations with Lego. To help with this, I have created a list of building challenges to get him started …
There is also a blog, Lego Quest, that posts regular Lego building challenges. Some past challenges that are suitable for my son’s age (5 y.o) are …
build a carAt the moment. I am just suggesting things from this list for him to build when we get out the Lego, but I may write each challenge on a paddlepop stick and let him draw a stick each time. Some other things that help when he is stuck are
build something very tall
build something with a window
build a bridge
build a house
build a boat
build a piece of furniture – a chair, a bed
build a cube
build something symmetrical
build a maze
build a pyramid
build a tree
build flowers
build an insect
make a pattern
build something with only 20 Lego bricks
build an animal
build a sea creature
build a snake
build the first letter of your name
write your name in Lego
build a house for a toy animal of your choice
- selecting the pieces he should use for the challenge (ie. limiting his choices)
- building alongside him in a friendly competition
There is also a blog, Lego Quest, that posts regular Lego building challenges. Some past challenges that are suitable for my son’s age (5 y.o) are …
build something using only one colour of LegoHow does your child like to build with Lego? Do they like to follow instructions for make it up as they go along?
try to reproduce an ancient monument
create a flag design
create a marine vessel that floats
create a playground
I always try to laminate the instructions from the little sets so they can be build over and over again.