We play – Totem Tennis

We got this Totem Tennis set for Christmas.  B was really hoping to get one after playing at preschool.

When we put up the set on Christmas day, B was hitting about 1 in every 5 balls that came past him.  Then, his dad showed him how to play with one person and hit the ball first, forehand and then, backhand, to keep the ball moving all the time.

B was determined to learn to hit the ball just like Dad.  Now, less than 2 weeks later, he has mastered the Totem Tennis and rarely misses when playing with one player. (This is the same persistence and determination I encounter when B wants something and I have to say ‘no’).

We Play
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Miss Carly said…
I used to love playing totem tennis growing up!
Narelle said…
We have one of these too but for some reason the kids just aren't interested! How old is B?
Catherine said…
Narelle, B is 5. He was interested in totem tennis from playing at preschool, but I think the thing that has really motivated him is seeing someone (his dad, who played tennis as a kid) who was quite skilled.
Elise said…
I remember doing this for hours with my sister when we were in primary school.

Sounds like B and dad are going to be spending lots of time together having fun with this.
Unknown said…
We love totem tennis! We take ours camping as well.

Our kids also tend to play more when we hit with them.
Philippa said…
I don't think I have seen this game since I was a kid! I was never very good at it :)
Marita said…
Fantastic hand eye co-ordination skills and great that he is giving it a go and keep on practicing until his skills improve.