ooey gooey slime
Gooey sensory fun for younger children, real and interesting science for older children …
Soap Slime
You need:
lux soap flakes or grated soap
Put the soap flakes in a container. Cover with water. Stir. The longer you leave this mixture (if you can cover the container you can keep it for weeks) the more gel-like it will become.
PVA Glue Slime
You need:
borax powder
PVA glue
food colouring
Put about half a cup of glue into your mixing container. Add about half a cup of water to the glue and mix. Add food colouring.
In a separate container, mix one cup of water with one teaspoon of borax powder. Slowly stir glue mixture into the borax mixture.
Take the slime out of the bowl and knead in your hands.
Store in a ziploc bag.
Don’t eat the slime. For this reason, I wouldn’t make it with young children who might put things in their mouth.
Also, wash your hands after playing with the slime.
Cornflour Slime or Oobleck
You need:
food colouring
Measure equal parts of cornflour and water (eg. 1 cup of each). Add the water slowly to the cornflour to obtain a thick mixture which you can hold in your hand. Mix in food colouring if desired.
Questions to investigate when playing with slime
How would you describe the slime – is it smooth, soft, sticky, wet or dry?
What happens when you poke the slime?
Is the slime a solid or is it a liquid?
Pull apart a ball of slime quickly. Does it stretch?
Can you pour the slime?
Older children may want to investigate the properties of slime further. Slime’s are polymers. Slime polymers have the properties of both liquids and solids. They take the shape of containers like a liquid, but can be held in your hand and picked up like a solid.
Investigating polymers and setting up experiments to
Soap Slime
You need:
lux soap flakes or grated soap
Put the soap flakes in a container. Cover with water. Stir. The longer you leave this mixture (if you can cover the container you can keep it for weeks) the more gel-like it will become.
PVA Glue Slime
You need:
borax powder
PVA glue
food colouring
Put about half a cup of glue into your mixing container. Add about half a cup of water to the glue and mix. Add food colouring.
In a separate container, mix one cup of water with one teaspoon of borax powder. Slowly stir glue mixture into the borax mixture.
Take the slime out of the bowl and knead in your hands.
Store in a ziploc bag.
Don’t eat the slime. For this reason, I wouldn’t make it with young children who might put things in their mouth.
Also, wash your hands after playing with the slime.
Cornflour Slime or Oobleck
You need:
food colouring
Measure equal parts of cornflour and water (eg. 1 cup of each). Add the water slowly to the cornflour to obtain a thick mixture which you can hold in your hand. Mix in food colouring if desired.
Questions to investigate when playing with slime
How would you describe the slime – is it smooth, soft, sticky, wet or dry?
What happens when you poke the slime?
Is the slime a solid or is it a liquid?
Pull apart a ball of slime quickly. Does it stretch?
Can you pour the slime?
Older children may want to investigate the properties of slime further. Slime’s are polymers. Slime polymers have the properties of both liquids and solids. They take the shape of containers like a liquid, but can be held in your hand and picked up like a solid.
Investigating polymers and setting up experiments to
- compare the properties of different slimes or
- the effect of varying the proportions of ingredients in slime