What skills will ensure adult happiness and success?

The question of the day … What skills do you feel will be most important to ensure your child is a happy and successful adult?

Do you value academic skills (like literacy or maths knowledge)?

Are social skills more important?

What about life skills like problem solving, persistence, resilience?

Share your thoughts in the comments.  I will put my answer in the comments also.


J said…
I've had this issue in mind for some time now. I feel it's academic and emotional skills in my case. I expect my daughter to face lots of challenges as she grows up because of her disability so I'm teaching her to find the strength to deal with 'em.
Catherine said…
For me, I think that for my children to be happy resilience will be most important. This would include a positive outlook on life, being able to recover from a setback and self confidence.
From a learning perspective I would like my children to be lifelong learners. I think that involves academic skills, but also knowledge of how you best learn, problem solving skills and knowing how to set and acheive a goal.
Marita said…
We are working hard to teach our girls to be able to adapt to change, learn social skills that just don't come naturally to them and frankly if we can get those two down I will be happy.
Jackie said…
Gee, you're asking the tough questions today Cath.
My answer is all of the above. I would love for my daughter to be a well-rounded adult, but the reality is that every person has their strengths and weaknesses. As a parent I certainly have plenty. That's why I love the access I have to other mother's sharing their ideas and experiences on their blogs. They give me ideas as a parent which further contribute to what I can offer my daughter.
I am a teacher so I regard academic skills highly, but if I was forced to choose a skill area that is most important I would have to say social skills.
Humans are social beings. there wouldn't be many people that don't crave, love, praise , recognition etc from others. We thrive or we falter because of how others respond to us. I think if you can have positive relationships with others (friends, family, teachers, employers) it sets you up to achieve in other areas of life.
Like Cath, I'd love my daughter to be a life-long learner (I'm sure she will be as both my husband and I are), but I really hope for her that she will be respecful, diplomatic, a conflict-manager, resilient and able flexible.
Does any of that make sense? I know I have rambled. The question you posed is at the very centre of my being as a parent. I take my role as a parent extremely seriously. Why do we have children if we don't want the very best for them?
I'll stop now, although I feel like I could go on and on and on.
Great question.
I think a confident, strong sense of self is important as are problem solving, creative thoughts, interpersonal skills and good communication.
amandab said…
Self confidence, and the confidence in expressing it.