what can we do with toy cars?
Toy cars are all the rage here at the moment. Here are some ideas for play with toy cars …
- drive them down ramps or roll them down a slide. Put something at the end of the ramp to knock over. Take ramps a step further and try and create car jumps.
- line them up.
- create roads or a racetrack. We usually use tape on the floor, but you could draw chalk roads outside or you can draw on cardboard like my son did here. And for a really big project you could map your neighbourhood. And I am keen to try this zigzag track.
- paint with toy cars. Combine painting and rolling down a ramp (you could put a long paper down a ramp for a fun painting idea).
- create a parking garage out of cardboard
- make a toy petrol pump.
- race them. Which ones go the furthest? You can even race them down ramps.
- use the cars as game pieces in a board game car race (and practise number skills too)