Beautiful Oops

I have just discovered this wonderful book - Beautiful Oops, by Barney Saltzberg - all about taking a mistake and turning it into an opportunity.  It sparks creativity in an art project, but it also a great approach to mistakes in other areas of life.

Here is a read aloud version of the book, so you can experience the magic yourself ...


Deborah said…
I bought this book this summer to share with my class - I am so excited about it!!
Val said…
Oh, great! Thanks for this link!! :)
Ramona said…
Great book - I have never seen it before and I know my kids would love it! Thanks for letting us know about it.
Elise said…
What a fantastic book and one I am going to buy for my cherubs. You always feature such fascinating and delightful finds. Thank you for sharing yet another beauty!

Thank you for responding to my pininterest request too. I still have not had a chance to explore the pinterest world, but it looks like tonight I should get a chance and I'm looking forward to it!