Teach/Learn Collaboration
The theme for this month's Teach/Learn was collaboration. Deb has created a round up of readable articles about collaboration, including a beautiful video.
- Catherine at Adventures With Kids worked together with her family to create a wheelbarrow garden.
- Deb at Science@home gave some tips on how you can get your kids collaborating - who likes sibling fights?!
- The fabulous Teacher Tom has written a lot about kids working together, this is just one recent one, but search for 'together' on his blog and there are lots of great ideas.
- Deb Chitwood from Living Montessori Now wrote about being a relaxed homeschooler, a subject that fascinates me and is the essence of having the whole family work together!
- Monique from Your Cheeky Monkey wrote a post about the reasons she loves to network. While it's aimed at mothers running businesses, I think it applies to pretty much all of us.
- For the teachers, Edutopia has a good article on collaborative work.
- Because this is Science@home, I have to include some of the science on collaboration - toddlers will share rewards if they've worked together, but chimps don't.
- And seeing we are blogging and therefore part of the new information age, a TED talk on collaboration by Howard Rheingold.
And finally, a beautiful video of collaboration - a classical cellist (Yo Yo Ma) and the most modern of dancers (Lil Buck).