Weekend Art: Try a new painting technique

One of our recent weekend art projects was trying a new-to-us painting technique.  We tried blow painting.  It produces a beautiful effect and would make a lovely background for an art journal page. 

blow painting

It is also a nice technique to help children control their facial muscles and breath necessary for production of correct speech sounds.

We used liquid watercolour paints.  We put the straw into the paint jar and covered the end with our thumb, trapping a little liquid in the straw.  Once the straw is over the page we lifted our thumb and dropped the paint onto the paper.  Then, blow the paint drop across the page.  You need to get down low to the paper to do this.

blow painting

Maybe this is not a new to you painting technique.  There is no shortage of other painting techniques to try …

painting with coloured ice cubes
painting with ice

painting with glue + watercolours + salt
glue + salt + watercolours

you could paint with flyswatters
flyswatter painting

paint with eyedroppers, toilet rolls or paint yourselves
paint yourself

And for even more painting inspiration, Hands On As We Grow blogged this list of 50 paint activities where you are bound to find something you haven’t tried before.
