Weekend Art: decorating rocks

Indirect Observations: decorating rocks

We spray-painted the rocks white and used Sharpies to decorate them.  I had in mind that we would draw designs on each one – like my spiral decoration.

Indirect Observations: decorating rocks

My children had other ideas.

My youngest is in a letter writing phase and decorated his with letter-like forms.

Indirect Observations: decorating rocks

My eldest wanted to create faces and animals.

Indirect Observations: decorating rocks
Indirect Observations: decorating rocks
There are many ways you could take this idea and make it your own. 
  • create characters for a favourite song, rhyme or story – like these 5 Little Ducks (they would make a great gift).
  • leave the rocks a natural colour or paint the rocks a bright colour before you decorate them.
  • decorate the rocks with a theme – for example, all with stars or all with hearts.
We’ve also decorated hot rocks using crayon.
