Ways to Be Creative: 14/51 Decorate Your Mirrors with Whiteboard Markers

Decorating my mirrors was a lot of fun.  I knew as soon as I came across the idea of decorating your mirrors with whiteboard markers on uncustomary’s list of ways to be creative (#90 – she recently completed this activity and blogged about it here), that I wanted to add a frame to my mirrors.

The unexpectedly creative part of this challenge was taking a decent photo of the mirror.  I ended up playing around in Photoshop a bit to tone down the undesirable elements of the reflection in the mirror (I mean, how much insight into my bathroom do you really need?)

Decorate your mirror with whiteboard markers

Decorate your mirror with whiteboard markers

I can see decorating the mirror as a fun constantly changing display.  You could add inspiring quotes or happy messages to your mirrors.

inspiring messages on your mirror

or what about silly faces.

decorate your mirror with whiteboard markers

What’s this all about? A little while ago, I made a list of 51 ways to be creative, I’m slowly working my way through the list.


Great idea! I love the silly notes to your kids!
uncustomary said…
Looks great! I love the idea of a frame/border. :-)