A Snapshot of Me: Creating a Visual Resume

I have decided to participate in #clmooc – a Connected Learning Massive Open Online Collaboration.  Make cycle 1 involves creating an introduction for yourself. 

Following #clmooc on G+, many people were using a visual resume maker called Vizify to create an introduction.  I couldn’t resist giving it a try.  You can see my Vizify here

Vizify draws information from your social media accounts – LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.  For me, that meant that the Vizify did not accurately represent what I’m interested in, because I am a haphazard, non-strategic user of these services.  But the Vizify inspired me to create my introduction in a different way.

(btw, for a blogger looking to make an impact, I think Vizify makes a good tool to snapshot how you are representing yourself online and whether that lines up with what you are doing on social media)
This is my new Vizify-inspired resume.  A view of me under the magnifying glass …

I created this in MS Word.  I think that I could go further, improve the layout and so on.  It would be nice to list work experience and education as a time line rather than a list, but this is what I had time for now.


Peter Floyd said…
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